Wednesday, December 13, 2006

I Got Published: Revised

So there was a request to post my unedited response, and I went back and looked at what specifically they left out. It turns out, it wasn't all that much, just about 4 sentences. So, instead of posting the whole article again, I'm just going to summarize what they left out.

1. I had mentioned to leave the astronauts out of this conversation about NASA because they would not have wanted their loss to be a detriment to what we do.

2. In reference to spending too much money I also wrote: "Maybe you should stop writing about wasting money on exploration and start writing about wasting money on killing people. Which is more worth it to you? I'd rather go to the moon." (I guess I can see why they left that one out)

3. I also mentioned that I was a flight controller for the ISS (not completely true YET) who graduated from PSU with an aerospace engineering degree to give myself some credibility, and am not real sure why they left that out. At least they would know it's not just some shmuck writing in.

4. My closing paragraph went something like this (which they kind of butchered): "I hope this gets published, I see too many articles written about NASA from authors without all of the facts. You see large monitary values and dead astronauts, and don't put into perpective what we've accomplished and what we have yet to accomplish. So think about what you would rather we spend our % of a % of the budget on if we don't explore space anymore. We do amazing amazing things with what we've got, it's time people start realizing that. For anyone else who may read this, I implore you to learn more about the space industry. We have spoiled ourselves by going to the moon in the 60's and now America has lost interest, but the things that our brave astronauts do on a daily basis is nothing short of astounding and deserves more recognition."

1 comment:

Mike said...

It's strange that they can edit them at all and still say that it's from you.