Sunday, February 1, 2009

Superbowl Sunday! Go Steelers!

Cory and I had some friends over today to watch the Superbowl. Although it wasn't the all-Pennsylvania match-up that I'd hoped for, because the Eagles let us down, I at least rooted for the Steelers for Cory! And it turned out to be a good game.

I recently saw a recipe for homemade soft pretzels and decided I needed to try them (it would have been more fitting to make Philly soft pretzels if the Eagles had been in it, but oh well!). Everyone really liked them, and I have to say, I was pretty impressed with myself! This was the first time I've ever made any 'bread', and my dough hook on my kitchen aid came in very handy! Look at these beauties!


nujoud said...

Yummy! I'm sorry I missed the pretzels, those look good! Although I missed 3 of the 4 quarter of the game too, but I think pretzels would have been the best part.

Melissa said...

Those look fantastic! You are quite the baker aren't you?