Sunday, July 15, 2007

Shopping Spree

Next Thursday night I leave to go home for a week of non-stop wakeboarding. One of the hardest things for me to leave behind when moving here was my wakeboarding boat, I miss going out whenever I want. But someday soon I will either inherit my boat from my dad or I'll buy my own, until that day I'll just have to settle for waiting for that one week out of the year when I can go home and wakeboard everyday.

So in preparation for my big weak of skiing I needed some new equipment. Namely a new lifevest and some new boardshorts. Today Erin and I went to the mall and I bought a new pair of Jordan's, boardshorts, and new lifevest. So I felt like spending a little bit, it happens from time to time. Everyone deserves a treat every now and again. Here's the new vest and shorts along with my board, helmet, and rope.

I found the vest at "Sun and Ski Sports", and it's a really cool new type of vest. Usually life vests zip up the front and then have an overlapping set of buckles and is very bulky and cumbersome. This new vest is like and elastic t-shirt than you slip on but sewn into the elastic are a bunch of blocks of neoprene that will keep you afloat. It almost looks like some sort of body armor and it is quite comfortable and free-moving. I'm even more excited to go home now and use my new crap. Stay tuned for photos and/or videos from my trip home.

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