Friday, September 12, 2008

Ike Sucks

Hurricane Ike is barrelling down on Texas. Wednesday night we boarded up our house (pictures coming soon) and packed up some stuff, including my wedding gown in a giant rubbermaid container. We left early Thursday morning and caravaned to San Antonio with the Marshiks and the Wilkes. Alicia and Brent made it shortly after. We're all staying at a La Quinta. It's pretty nice, we got a government rate of $89, they have free happy hour each evening, and it's pet friendly. Between the 4 families we have 4 dogs, 2 rabbits and a bird!
Last night we used our evacuee status to our advantage and scored 3 free giant bottles of wine at the Macaroni Grill. So we've actually been having a pretty fun time here, and I'm glad we're all together. But we can't help watching the weather channel, waiting to see what will happen to our homes! A bunch of us are actually in me and Cory's hotel room now watching as the eye of the hurricane makes landfall. Keep us in your thoughts!
More updates soon...

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