Monday, June 21, 2010

Catch-up post - April

I've been a complete slacker with the blog lately! My bad. I'll be posting a few catch-up posts by month (since it's been that long - woops!), and then hopefully we'll get back to normal. So here's what happened in April:
My parents came to visit over Easter and we had a lot of fun! One day we went to Brazos Bend State Park and walked around some lakes and saw gators! It was pretty neat/scary. Obviously they would not let people walk around there if there were daily alligator attacks, but I was surprised how close we were to actual live big alligators! We also had a picnic that weekend with our friends; lots of good food and company! Somehow we managed to not get a picture of all of us, but here's me and my mom, my dad and Cosmo, and a giant gator.

That Monday when my parents left, Cory's friend from high school, Lauren, was in H-town for one night for work, so we went downtown and met her for dinner. It was great to catch up, and it prompted us to start planning a budday reunion in Virginia in September! We know a lot of peeps in Virginia so we'll also be seeing my sister and brother-in-law, and my cousin and her husband and her new baby. Can't wait!
Cory's Dad and Suzy also came to visit in April and we had another good weekend! They golfed a couple times, and we went to the Greyhound Park one night which they really enjoyed. Lots more good food and company :) I don't think we took any pictures, we need to do better about that!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

and maybe you guys can see us too on your trip to Va?? :) love you lots!!!