Monday, June 8, 2009

'Maters Again

Before I left for my trip to France, my tomato plants were juuuuuust beginning to get some teeny tiny tomatoes on them. When I got back they were at least a foot taller, and I had green tomatoes! And peppers!
Now some of the 'maters are red and almost ready to pick and eat, and the peppers are getting big, but they're still green (they're supposed to be red bell peppers). Thanks to Cory and to my friend/neighbor/coworker Randy who watered them while I was gone!
I'm currently having a bug problem, though. The first three tomatoes to turn red were eaten by bugs. But that should be fixed as of tonight since I went and got some bug killer ;)


ACQ said...

You are inspiring me to plant my own veggies next year! I miss having my own produce. Yours looks great!

Unknown said...

ditto what alicia said! you're doing great!

Erin said...

thanks, hopefully the bugs will go away now that i sprayed!

Mom said...

I'm trying to figure out what ate your tomatoes. Did you see the bugs that ate your tomotoes? I remember having tomoatoes eaten by tomato hornworms. They would eat big chunks of tomoato. They are big green caterpillar things with a pointy white unicorn type horn. Best thing to do is just pick 'em off by hand.

Erin said...

It actually turns out it was birds! I got some bird netting and I think the problem has been solved, but I lost most of my big tomatoes before I figured it out! My friend Jaime had one of those big green caterpillars though!