Sunday, February 15, 2009

February is the best month!

A lot of our friends have birthday's in February, and we've been doing a lot of celebrating. A couple weeks ago, we had a happy hour at Boondoggles for Lisa's birthday. Much fun (and beverage) was had by all!

The following Tuesday was Beth's birthday, and Jaime and I headed over with homemade dinner (by Jaime) and cheesecake (by me), which we ate while we watched the Biggest Loser. No picture of that birthday girl, but I do have one of the cheesecake! Yum yum!

My birthday was this past Friday, the 13th! Heather and I were born on a Friday the 13th so this was extra exciting! Cory and I hosted the annual February Birthday party this year and I did a superstitions theme, to go along with my freaky birthdate. It was lots of fun!!


Joshua said...

Not sure what do to when Feb. ends - I'm use to a party every weekend now!

Lisa said...

I've had so much fun this month! We should have more months like this one!! :)

Unknown said...

your partay looks fabulous - sometime we'll do a joint party! :) love you!