Monday, July 2, 2007

The Patio Project

Just because I haven't posted anything in awhile doesn't mean that we don't have anything going on in our lives. Let's just call it extreme blogging laziness.

Well, this past weekend we decided to take the leap into a new home project. We've been wishing for a big patio in the back of our house pretty much since we moved in. So, on Saturday we bought all of the essentials required to dig ourselves a giant hole in the backyard. Here are a few photos of our progress so far.

I would have to say that the worst part of this whole process is breaking up the concrete slab that was built with the house. I'll just say that sledge hammers are blistering back breaking machines that should only be used in moderation. So, the hammering is my job and Erin's job is to dig out the dirt around the concrete which she is great at.

Does anyone know who I can call to come take away 6 ton of dirt and broken up concrete slab? Anyway, I'll post more progress in the next few days.

1 comment:

Todd said...

Whoa!!! a new post. I just happened to remember our conversation at lunch the other day, thinking that maybe you would post something! Awesome!