Monday, December 15, 2008

Snow Day!

Seriously! In Texas!! Last Wednesday, it was really cold, and not just cold for Texas, it was in the low 30s on the way to work and it didn't really warm up like it usually does. On the way home it started raining a little bit, but as I sat at a traffic light, I noticed this 'rain' kind of bouncing off my windshield. It was actually sleeting!! Then in the evening, Alicia called me and told me it was snowing at her house, but I looked outside and was sad to see it wasn't snowing at ours! I forgot about it for a little, and then Cory and I went to deliver some holiday goodies to the Marshik's, and it was snowing!! And real snow! I wouldn't call it a 'snow storm', but it was real honest to goodness snow, that even stuck on our lawns and our rooves! Of course it was almost all gone in the morning, and they tried to ruin my good mood by closing the bypass that I take to work, because it's pretty much all elevated and they have no way of salting roads here because it just doesn't snow! But that night I was just so happy, and so was everyone I saw! Snow just brings out the kid in everyone, and it was really neat to see here in Texas! Here are some picutres that Cory took!

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